Thursday, June 29, 2006

As promised, byatches!!

That's right. I got it done. My radio station is LIVE!!! Here's the link:

Just copy that into you favorite streaming player and you're good to go. Only 8 slots, so jump on the gravy train quick or lose your seat.

Right now I have a varied mix of music genres, so everyone should be satisfied.

Also, here's the Lo Mein track that I promised. Don't say I don't keep my promises.

Oh, and for that pic. That's a seagull that was chilling on Magen's Bay in St. Thomas. Secretly, he wishes you were there.


Waiting for the green light of your demise...

Well, I've been hitting the bricks pretty hard for ya'll over the past few nights, trying to get Nicecast to work. It says that it's broadcasting but I've been unable to connect to the stream from other computers. I'm hoping I'll have it figured out by this weekend.

This past weekend I was in a wedding for a friend of mine and took a lot of nice pictures using my Fuji Finepix S5200. I was feeling like Gordon Parks-ish and ish (if you figure that vernacular out, you need to stop hanging with them fools on the block; they ain't gone get you no where but in trouble). It was a beheading to remember.

But then, my girlfriend went ahead and played the Delilah (sp?) to my Sampson and deleted every last one "by mistake". Would have loved to have let ya'll see some of the pics. But, no need to fear, there will be more to follow. I got some nice ones from Saint Thomas, when I was there 2 weekends ago (I travel regular, very regular).

On an aside, there's this 400 pound gorilla working at my job who goes by the name of Reuben. The man's like a little kid. Everytime you tell him something he doesn't like, he runs to his boss to "tell" (a boss who's waiting for him to mess up bad enough so that he can get rid of him). To add to that, the man got sunburnt this weekend and came in looking like a buttered lobster on Monday. And, he's limping still from getting an ingrown nail removed. Do I need to tell you that he's a character? Well, I'm going to sneek a nice pic of him for your delight and mines.

Lastly, later on tonight I'll be posting a song called "Lo Mein" from Georgia Anne Muldrow's captivating EP Worthnothings. Don't be a herb, peep her page on the Stones Throw website. If you can figure out the metaphor she's employing in the song, please enlighten. Until then, smoke 'em if you get 'em.



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So, um.. I'm back?

So, I don't need to tell you that it's been quite a long time since I've posted here. But, I'm working on my posting discipline and will now "try" to post at least once a week. I got a lot of stuff I'm "trying" (notice the emphasis) to line up that may benefit all those who read this shit:

1. Get a Shoutcast channel going for all those who may be interested in my latest listens. This I'm really looking forward to because, believe me, my collection is immense.
2. Maybe post some new tracks that I'm working on.
3. I'm also "trying" to get my photography steez on, so I will definitely be posting pics (since they come more easier than beats).

There was more, but like Kat Williams said:

I only let you mofos know about 1/3 of the stuff I do. That way, you can only hate on that 1/3.
