So, I don't need to tell you that it's been quite a long time since I've posted here. But, I'm working on my posting discipline and will now "try" to post at least once a week. I got a lot of stuff I'm "trying" (notice the emphasis) to line up that may benefit all those who read this shit:
1. Get a Shoutcast channel going for all those who may be interested in my latest listens. This I'm really looking forward to because, believe me, my collection is immense.
2. Maybe post some new tracks that I'm working on.
3. I'm also "trying" to get my photography steez on, so I will definitely be posting pics (since they come more easier than beats).
There was more, but like Kat Williams said:
I only let you mofos know about 1/3 of the stuff I do. That way, you can only hate on that 1/3.