And, no, sadly I don't own an actual Roland TR-808.
Well, what I've decided to do today is share with you two drums (no, not a whole mo'fuckin collection) that I myself have "engineered". Some may find them useful, some may not, but, hey, they're here for ya, so, stop pouting. Let me know what you think and if you do get to put them to use in a song, I'd love to hear it. Also, another great idea would be to layer the two and get that real "can't hear a single word your girl is saying" effect after. Hmmmm, kay??
Next up, more breaks...
P.S. - The significance of my using that picture is to drive home a point to all the mofos that love to post on production forums asking questions to which the answer could easily be found in that lovely manuscript known as the manual. As we would say in my Guitar Center days, 'RTFM', in other words "Read The Fuckin Manual". Shit, I remember one day a cat called GC and was trying to get me to teach him how to use some Akai machine (not the MPC series, or else I would have recalled what it was) OVER THE PHONE. Folks are hilarious...