Well, here I am again. Been on a little Sabbatical and haven't really had much time to put up that niceness for ya'll. Here's some shit I came upon while trying to block out the noise that is so prevalent on my job. But, I'll tell you this little known fact: This is not the break that I originally wanted to lace ya'll with. I actually forgot the track that I had found that break on, so, just for ya'll, I'm going to have to go back and listen to all the albums I have ripped on my Sansa clip to see if I can find it. If I do, we good to go.
Anyway, no passes, no bullshit this time around. Just heat. And, oh yeah, that track in my now playing sig? That's a little bit of the same. Be sure to check out the man
Kenny Fresh to find out what that's really all about.
Also, the .aiff file is in there this time for those who need all that extra fluff.
Now playing:
Hawthorne Headhunters - She Wanna (feat. JimiJames & Coultrain)via FoxyTunes