Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Alright, so, if you know anything about me, you know that I love that "boom" in my drums. Most of my kicks can be described as 808-esque or derived, but, truthfully, I actually synthesize most of my drums, not culling them from the millions of online 808 sample collections that can be found out there (though some of them are actually some good shit).

And, no, sadly I don't own an actual Roland TR-808.

Well, what I've decided to do today is share with you two drums (no, not a whole mo'fuckin collection) that I myself have "engineered". Some may find them useful, some may not, but, hey, they're here for ya, so, stop pouting. Let me know what you think and if you do get to put them to use in a song, I'd love to hear it. Also, another great idea would be to layer the two and get that real "can't hear a single word your girl is saying" effect after. Hmmmm, kay??

Next up, more breaks...

P.S. - The significance of my using that picture is to drive home a point to all the mofos that love to post on production forums asking questions to which the answer could easily be found in that lovely manuscript known as the manual. As we would say in my Guitar Center days, 'RTFM', in other words "Read The Fuckin Manual". Shit, I remember one day a cat called GC and was trying to get me to teach him how to use some Akai machine (not the MPC series, or else I would have recalled what it was) OVER THE PHONE. Folks are hilarious...


Reza said...

hey my first visit here , great read
soon as I saw that 808 manual had to continue
must say the music on some sites really annoys but got quite into that Medifeel track ,made me wanna dig out my old s3000xl, nice blog, thanks

Reza said...

Addendum ::
I was wrong , have been here before !
Just goin back and reminded of that Soil and Pimp "Storm" , bloody old age does it to you lol

Harmonix said...

Yeah, you actually gave me that Soil and Pimp sessions joint. Thanks for the compliment on the track. My blog is no where in comparison to the ones you maintain, so the props coming from you mean plenty.

Be sure to download some of the drum breaks I have available in my widget. I think I might actually replace them with wave files in order to assist visitors with auditioning purposes.


Reza said...

Compliments go to you mate

Still got some old school kit left ,keyboards etc but my days of rex files are pretty much long gone now,still have some akai cdroms if you want them
Of recent have been learning sitar [bloody hippie]
And for fun running yet another blog under real name, maybe some breaks for you there :)

Harmonix said...

Good to here you still somewhere out here in the blogosphere. I do still use an MPC 3000 for my programming but never as a sampler. All of my sounds are loaded in Reason, so, I might not have much use for the cdroms, unless, OF COURSE, they are really good.

I've just splurged and bought my first hardware synth (Access Virus C) and was trying to get a Korg Radias for $500, but that fell through, so, it's just the Virus for now.

Got tired of wading through tons of presets looking for that right sound when I could just be making my own.

What made you give up on the beats? You have a pretty good taste in music, so I'm sure you had some joints.

What makes me feel like giving up is the saturation of the field with folks that don't give a damn about the music but just see it as a gateway to bottles, models and full throttles.

But, I can't see myself doing anything else, so, I still grind.

I've been trying to learn piano myself, but, I have yet to find anyone that teaches what I want to learn. I don't really care to learn to play difficult pieces or even read sheet music (although I can). Just want to learn to play the stuff in my head, but, it seems like unless you either have perfect pitch or have the time to sit down and memorize the sound of all the tones, your shit out of luck.

But still, I try.

Will check out your new blog. I hate what the blogosphere has become, though. All these great blogs becoming private. It's like, how do you expect your blog not to die out if you don't leave the doors open for new visitors? The anonymity of the internet will always allow leeching, it's a fact of life. The goal should be about keeping the good souls that pass through.

Oh well, enough of my bitchin...


Reza said...

Bitchin is good for the soul !

Know what you mean though, I tried hard back in the day , very influenced by Luke Vibert, Aphex Twin, Fila Brazilia stuff but truth is not good enough/not enough time
Hey now thats a nice piece of kit .. Access Virus
Have couple of old Korgs that can't part with but no more VST/Reason for me

Just have to get right person to listen , keep at it
Send stuff to advertising companies, there the ones with the clout these days
And yes the blogosphere has changed, been good though made some good freinds over the time

Take it easy and thanks ;)
Feel free to keep in touch

Harmonix said...

Well, if you got an e-mail, hit me up at If you're a gmailer like myself, I can add you to my chat list.

mau said...

hey man, i saw that you asked for a re-up of the funsine 73 10inch, it's up again now!

RymezWithOrange said...

Sweet post, and samplings you got there.
Dying to try a Roland anything, older gear really gets me going.

Btw; commenting about it here since I can't directly reply to you over on hfs40k, or send you a message since that seems to be disabled on your profile.
You were lookin' for this I believe?

Wouldn't have found it on the D if you searched already, 'cause the poster misspelled Pattern into Patterns.
Intriguing lil' EP that is, definitely some Nintendo-era stuff, takes me back to NES days, when the bits were half the beauty of the SNES...
the title was definitely inspired by his spiritual trip up north

Good to know another FlyLo fan, if you haven't checked out the Alt Takes, look around the web of the web, there's more than the main downloads, 9 tracks to be exact.
The methods to acquiring them are quite novel, requiring one to have the actual, physical copy of the album (gasp!) and a webcam.

Enjoy the world of the patterns n' grids, and nice blog you have setup, I think I'll be following it.

Harmonix said...

Thanks a lot for the link RymezWithOrange. Yes, I am actually a pretty big Flylo fan. I'm the type with the vinyl still sealed and stuff. I won't lie, though, I kind of fell back a little bit since his recent popularity in the public eye. Not really one of those guys that wants my favorite artist to just be mine, but, it's just that I started to dig deeper underground and get into cats like Hudson Mohawke, Mono/Poly, Illum Sphere, Busy, Mike Slott, etc... and kind of forgot about Flylo.

I surely did not know anything about the 9 bonus tracks, but, now that I do? ;)

Either way, you've renewed my interest in one of my favorite artists.

Also, I haven't updated this blog in like FOREVER. Been spending more time over at my posterous blog at:

Their blogs are just so much more easier to handle and update and keep statistics on...

Either way, I've enabled the option to make my email visible, so, please hit me up.
